Training Unit
Training Unit
Training Unit

The GBI Training Unit is responsible for the coordination of all training provided to GBI personnel. The Training Unit also utilizes over 100 GBI Special Agents that are assigned to other work units that are also certified instructors. Some of these instructors have additional instructor certifications allowing them to provide specialized training in areas such as firearms, defensive tactics and driver training. The GBI Training Unit is located at the Georgia Public Safety Training Center (GPSTC) in Forsyth, Georgia. GPSTC is the State of Georgia ’s comprehensive training complex used by the GBI and other state and local agencies.

The Training Unit utilizes this training facility and others to provide basic and advanced courses for all GBI Agents. The advanced courses offered by the Training Unit include advanced firearm skills training, warrant service, death investigations, advanced interviews and interrogations techniques and career development courses. The Training Unit is also responsible for the GBI Agent Annual In-Service Training. During this training, GBI Agents receive advanced training in an array of areas and also receive recertification in CPR, defensive tactics and firearms.
The Training Unit is also responsible for the training of all newly hired GBI Special Agents. The Training Unit provides training to new agents during a 16-week Basic Agent Course. During this 16 week training period, new agents receive over 650 hours of training in a broad range of subjects to include investigative techniques, ethics, interviewing, crime scene processing, firearms, death investigations, drug enforcement, defensive tactics, and emergency vehicle operations. Once new agents complete the 16-week GBI Agent Basic Course, newly sworn special agents complete a lengthy Field Training Agent Program at their assigned office.
In addition to providing training for GBI personnel, the Training Unit provides training to other state and local law enforcement agencies.